Maui's resource to enliven your body, mind and spirit!
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Maui's resource to enliven your body, mind and spirit!
Get connected, stay informed

Maui's resource to enliven your body, mind and spirit!
Maui's resource to enliven your body, mind and spirit!
Published for 24 years, Maui Vision Magazine is Maui’s definitive publication serving the conscious living community.
We originally began publishing as a newsletter in 2001, and as of now are publishing 3000 copies with an estimated readership
of 7500 people with glossy magazines distributed free of charge 3 times a year at high-traffic health food stores, restaurants and retail outlets.
While copies are available early in the publishing cycle, find our popular magazine at Mana Health Foods, Paia; Hawaiian Moons, Kihei;
Temple of Peace, Haiku; Maui Mana, Makawao; Wailuku Coffee Company and many other places.
Our new edition for Spring, 2025 will be out all over Maui in early April, 2025. It covers the months of April, May, June and July, 2025.
If you want to find out what's happening with the wellness, spiritual and holistic healing community on Maui, we make an excellent starting point to get you connected, whether you are a visitor or local. Our listings include yoga, meditation, dance, personal growth, holistic health, massage, psychics, spiritual centers, workshops, chiropractors, healers, wellness events, health products, and music / entertainment.
Enhance your life by engaging with our community!
If you have a product, service or event that needs exposure on Maui, we offer no cost and low cost advertising and promotion options
to successfully market your business. Call or e-mail us for more information.
(Per insert rate -- Discounts for running ads multiple times, 1 X, 3 X and 6 X in successive issues shown, based on 3000+ printed copies.)
Full page (7 1/2" wide by 10" tall) $710 $639 $603
Back cover (four color) $900 $810 $765
Inside front cover (four color) $875 $787 $743
Inside back cover (four color) $875 $787 $743
1/2 page (7 1/2" wide by 4 3/4" tall) $388 $349 $329
1/4 page (3 1/2" wide by 4 3/4" tall) $216 $194 $183
1/6 page (3 1/2" wide by 3" tall) $172 $155 $146
1/8 page (3 1/2" wide by 2" tall) $132 $118 $112
1/12 page (2 1/4" wide by 2" tall) $ 72 $ 65 $ 62
ADDITIONAL FOUR COLOR CHARGES (if space is available): Add additional color to display ads inside the magazine. Flat fee is $50 plus applicable rate for 1/4 pages, $90 for 1/2 pages, and $130 for full pages.
ARTWORK: Basic typesetting and layout for your ad is included free of charge for the first 1/2 hour of production time. Fees for excess typesetting and layout beyond that will be be charged at $30/hour. Print ready ads should be submitted digitally as an attached file in PDF format (second choice TIFF)
by e-mail. Select "Press Settings" if creating your PDF in a graphics program.
Screen all photos at 300 dpi and change all images to grayscale for black and white, or CMYK for color for best reproduction.
CLASSIFIED LISTINGS: Ads cost 35 cents per word with no minimum and are accepted via e-mail to mauivision@aol.com.
CALENDAR LISTINGS: Calendar listings are FREE for the first 25 words and 35 cents per word over 25, one listing per organization. Listings are accepted sent to mauivision@aol.com. We will contact you with charges, if any, and ways to make payment.
HEALTHY MAUI DIRECTORY: Basic 3-line listing of category, business name and phone number. $18 for inclusion in 3 issues
or free upon request with purchase of a display ad.
BONUS! The calendar and classifieds are e-mailed to 700 names of local community members, making these sections invaluable tools for promoting your business! They are also listed in our online magazine and can be viewed by a worldwide audience.
TO BE INCLUDED: Call/Text: Eric, 808/344-6195, Peggi, 619/993-3305 or e-mail MauiVision@aol.com.
Maui Vision Magazine welcomes articles written by holistic practitioners and freelance writers
whose subject matter is in harmony with our "conscious living" theme. (See article submissions guidelines and writing tips below.)
Stories should report on the people, practices, and ideas of the holistic and spiritual renaissance in contemporary society
and the impact on personal and community well-being.
We ask that articles be journalistically objective and offer practical information, ideas and suggestions to our readers
to enhance their well-being in body, mind and spirit.
We discourage articles that are blatantly promotional of products, services
or events and we reserve the right to reject them.
When writing, please keep in mind that your article may be read by the general public,
so avoid technical or metaphysical terminology that will do more to confuse than enlighten.
We have two article lengths, which also include room for a small photo or illustration. They are:
Column Size: Maximum 325 word count, including the byline, text of article and short biographical and contact information at the end.
Mini-Feature: 590 words in length, including the byline, text of article and short biographical and contact information at the end.
There is no guarantee your article will appear in any specific issue. However, if you have
purchased an ad of 1/4 page or larger and have submitted a "Column" length article, or
a 1/2 page or larger and submitted a "Mini-Feature" length article, we will make a special effort
to include both in the same edition, providing your article meets our standards.
Article Submission Guidelines and Writing Tips:
1. Submit articles via e-mail to mauivision@aol.com with an attached Word Document.
Article should be submitted in Times Roman and 12 point font.
IF and only if you are unable to submit your article in a Word Document you may write the article in text within the body
of a regular e-mail. Any portions that are highlighted in italics, please place the
following coding before and after the italicized portion: [I].
2. Bios at the end of articles should be no more than 50 words consisting of
pertinent author history and contact information.
3. Writing Tip: use one space between “periods” ending a sentence and the letter beginning the next.
4. Writing Tip: avoid using excessive italicizing, words within quotes or over capitalization of words throughout a story.
This practice distracts the reader and diminishes the quality of writing.
5. Writing Tip: when using quotes, punctuation falls within the quote. Example: “give forth love.” Example: “love.”
Maui Vision Magazine reserves the right to make final editorial decisions on all articles
submitted. Know that our edits are made to enhance your articles not to diminish them.
Following the Maui Vision Magazine guidelines and acquainting yourself with punctuation and language usage only enhances
your expertise and makes your articles readable and enjoyable for the Maui Vision Magazine readership.
Photos: Photos reproduce best at 300 dpi. You can submit as color or black & white and we will convert to our print specifications.
Deadlines: Deadline for Maui Vision Magazine to receive articles is usually the first of the month preceding publication date, i.e. MARCH 1, 2025
for the SPRING, 2025 edition. If you have any questions or concerns, e-mail MauiVision@aol.com, or call (808) 344-6195
Click this link to read our back editions online: https://issuu.com/mauipromo
JOIN OUR COMMUNITY E-LIST! We send out a maximum of two emails a week about sponsored events, community news,
advertiser notices and deadline reminders. It is easy to unsubscribe at any time! Click this link: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/vENwKXJ/1
Maui Vision Magazine
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